Patterjack tales

Four o’clock is a ghastly hour, especially when the stable clock is set to GMT. The usual routine of bandaging, feeding and loading is well practiced and so with Evie ahoy and coffee mug on standby we headed north.

The journey from Jurassic Coast to Suffolk would be a lengthy one but I had Carcassonne and my Kindle, once the sun was up!

The motorway trudge was soon over especially as I returned to slumberland. At the venue we set up a bright blue vet gate, loaded stables with Polly and Maverick before seeking Travel Lodge and Thetford. First impression not good; this town is a soulless place.

The vetting went well. I held the rug for Harry and Polly whilst the Euro vets scanned chips and checked passports. With transponders fitted to the horses it was going to be a slick affair tomorrow.

We now need food before tomorrow’s early start.